After seeing many sexy and cute aprons being uploaded recently, I remembered a halfway discarded apron project in my sewing closet. I thought it would be a good time to complete the project and at the same time join TiniHani's February Jom Jahit which last till 28th Feb.
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I used Robert Kaufman's fabric for the apron and remnant fabrics to make the neck and waist straps. |
Everything up to this point is plain ordinary and using techniques I'm familiar with. The thing that got me excited at the prospect of learning something new was the hem. I always feel uncertain about hems, especially when working with unlined fabrics.
Recently I saw a technique in one of the Japanese crafting books about finishing your hem with a bias tape. Many of you out there may be familiar with this method, but it is a new thing for me and after being successful with it, I finally feel my hem issue is resolved... finally *grin*
From the outside you cannot see the tape, it is completely hidden. Only when you turn the fabric inside you see the bias tape. It is a good way when you have to hem tight curved areas like necklines or when you do not have enough fabric to turn and sew. You can read and see more pictures of how it is done here.
Enjoy your weekend!!Pin It
I've use this technique when making my sleevesless blouse. I never knew there is such tech. in sewing, thot that I'm using my lazyness tech. to sew the armholes haha!!! But it looks nicer this way, kan?
warna biru dan coraknya pun cantik (owl lagi)
Liza - it gives a very nice finish kan.. love this technique.. :)
ct n honey - have to love the owls.. heheheh
spring is in the air...I can see it from yr new inspire me so so much...I don't use aprons,I have like dozens of them,mostly hadiah,I made a few in kelas kemas,lama dulu..
wahh..cutenye owl2 tue..rase nak geget je..suka tgk apron nih.. klo nurul la rase syg nak guna nnti kotor hehe
i hate sewing curved hemline... tq for ur tip...
MAK TEH - after months of cold winter and being lazy.. it is nice to see spring and be productive again :) thank you for your kind words.. bestnyer dpt present apron byk-2.. I feel like I can never have too many.. I have to wear apron when I'm in the kitchen..
Nurul from SewLove - gumok-2 owl nyer just the the one in your profile pic.. hehehehe the apron has been hanging in my sewing closet half way.. the jom jahit project was a good excuse for me to finally get it done.. :)
Faiz - me too... I always feel irritated and uncertain about curves and hems, corners and banyak lagi la.. *sigh*
this is too clever.
sue... suka fabric owl itu.. color gelap2 ni memang sesuai sekali buat apron.. at least kotor x brape jelas kelihatan.. ngeee.. thanks for the link utk jahitan hem tu ek.. saya pun x pernah buat juga... :D
Jess - A simple but very useful technique for me.. very happy to have learnt it.. do give it a try..
Zila - very easy to finish the hem with this technique.. hope you get to use it in your sewing as well..
the owl fabric has been in my stash for a long time.. x habis-2 lagi.. :)
Congratulations on your project. Would love to join too one day .... insyaAllah
Ann - thank you :) what are you working on now..?
Sue, thanks for sharing! tak pernah tau cara ni.. very neat indeed!
syaf - thanks for dropping by, it is the first time for me too.. glad I found it make hemming easier with less hair pulling and teeth grinding.. uhuhuh
love your blog - your crafts are lovely with great fabric choice and beautifully captured..*HEART*
thanks for the tips sue. very useful..i will absolutely trying this out for my project..uhh tak tau project apa lagi *grin*
cantik sgt warna biru ni..
Marie - my pleasure.. I had a lot of fun getting this right as well.. hope to see your project using this technique soon.
zu-e9 - thank you, I don't usually go for blue , but this shade is lovely..
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