I make the usual resolutions every year - eating healthier, 30 mins exercise daily, spend quality time with family..some of which I adhere to and some..well not so much..ehem..
But this year in addition to my personal resolutions, I also wanted a set of resolution that geared towards my sewing and quilting. I promise to finish 4 UFOs - 2 baby quilts and 2 single bed quilts by March, learn to sew clothes in 2010 and
not buy fabric until I use up at least half of my stock *gulp*(
definitely impossible - currently finding cure and on medication). I want to make sure I stick to my resolutions and I found this list from
Quilter's Connection Magazine, hopefully it will help me stick to my promises. Take a look:
1. Be honest with yourself. That quilt that has been sitting in your closet for five years - you really don't like it. Get rid of it. Give it to a quilting friend to finish, or donate it to your guild. And don't feel guilty about it. Someone else will love it, and you are contributing to the good of quilting! (Don't think I can do this)
2. Make a pact to not purchase any new fabric or patterns until you have finished one (or all) of your UFO's. (This I plan to follow)
3. Set aside time to work on your UFO. Even if it's just 5 minutes a day, that is 35 minutes a week that you would not have dedicated otherwise. You might find once you sit down for your 5 minute session, it can turn into an hour and you'll have accomplished so much! (Good Idea!! I have to try this)
4. If you have numerous projects, create an assembly line. Do all the piecing for all the quilts at the same time. Quilt all of your quilts together. Same goes for binding. I machine stitched the binding onto two quilts, and took them with me to finish the hand stitching over the Christmas holidays. They are both finished now, and I can enjoy them! (I do this with my bag projects)
5. Quilt with friends. Get together once a week, or once a month, for a stitching session. You'll easily find the motivation to work on projects if there are others doing the same. (Any quilters want to get together for a sewing sesison?? I'll make tea)
6. Don't try to tackle a large project all at once. If your resolution is to clean out your sewing room, do it in stages. Give yourself 15 minutes at a time and do one thing - like separating all your fabrics into similar colors. Organize your thread drawer tomorrow when you have another 15 minutes. (How true. Will try this with my notion and supply box)
7. Multi-task. Do your hand stitching while watching your favourite TV show, or on the train while commuting to work. (I love doing this!!)
8. CELEBRATE! When you have completed your goal, reward yourself with a visit to your favourite quilt shop, register for a class, or purchase that new quilting tool you've been dreaming of. You deserve it! (This is the best part.. can't wait for the reward part *grin*)
The post looks soooo plain without any pics.. this is the view from my living room window..
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